Welcome to absoluteproof.com.au.
Some favourite quotes that have inspired me ....
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Never, never, never quit!
We make a living by what we get
we make a life by what we give
Do not dismiss your dreams.
To be without dreams is to be without hope.
To be without hope is to be without purpose.
Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you have been,
but also where you are going.
Life is not a race,
but a journey to be savored each step of the way.



...  words and knowledge are power ...




Copy Editing & Writing                                                                              
Sometimes proofreading an article or document is just not enough.  It is often essential that more scrutiny is needed to ensure your project is professional and clear to the reader.
First impressions count ...
This is why professionals and academics alike will send their work off to a proofreader and/or copy editor for a final proofing.  The good copy editor will critique the document for any grammatical errors, bad punctuation and of course, the common typos.
Copy editing therefore is, if you like, a thorough way of making sure your work is the best it can be.
For all your proofreading needs, contact me directly on jan@absoluteproof.com.au or visit my contact us page.
About me ...
I am a freelance proofreader, writer and sub editor located in Brisbane, Australia.  I have worked within the corporate world, not-for-profit organisations and owned and operated many small businesses.  Within these associations, I have provided very basic to very comprehensive editing and proofreading services. 
I have a passion for the English language, where grammar and vocabulary are essential to any professional document, therefore I continually study to keep my skills updated.
In recent times, I have been involved in proofing and editing websites for medical professionals as well as assignments for University undergraduates and postgraduates.
A writer at heart, my poetry has been published in the United States and I am the author of several short stories.
I have a Diploma in Proofreading and Sub-Editing and have completed a number of Creative Writing and Novel Writing courses.
My goal is to proofread your assignments/presentations to a high standard, to ensure you have a product that stands out in the crowd! 


  • Your email  arrived this afternoon, thank-you!  I can’t tell you what a relief it is to finally feel like I’m almost there.   I’m extremely happy with your work and it is very thorough.  So thank-you for your help, it certainly has lightened my work load.

     Leanne Chilver - Author

  • Thank you so much AbsoluteProof - without your thoroughness and attention to detail, my thesis would not have received the marks it did - my sincere appreciation.  I look forward to working with you in the future

Elizabeth - PhD Major
